A webinar for professionals by

Ellyn Satter, MS, MSSW

To resist interference with fdSatter and the Satter Division of Responsibility in Feeding, you must understand the theoretical and practical flaws in today’s child-deficit research. This body of research characterizes children as having inborn obesogenic, health-obstructing characteristics such as being negative and impulsive with eating, being resistant to eating “healthy” food, and spontaneously eating too much and gaining too much weight. This child-deficit research says children eat more than they need when portions are big or food is high in fat and sugar. Such thinking contradicts sDOR and obligates parents to use direct and indirect means to get children to eat “healthy” food, restrict portion sizes, and avoid high-calorie foods. Child-deficit thinking produces common errors in feeding including misinterpreting normal eating and growth, cultivating agendas for what and/or how much children should eat, failing to provide leadership with feeding, and overlooking the impact of stress on eating and feeding. Ellyn Satter helps you figure out the logical mind-benders in this research, renews your trust in sDOR, and gives ample time for your questions and observations. 

No CEUs are associated with this webinar.
