Same episodes as in the FWLGS I DVD except they are broken apart so you can get at them individually.

  • Keep these on your computer; choose an example to show parents to demonstrate what to do or not do with feeding.
  • Include individual episodes in your Power Point Presentations.
  • Use train the trainer power points with your workers to demonstrate developmental aspects of feeding.
  • Use with handouts to make sensational turn-key training for those who work with children around feeding.

1989 Video adapted for teaching. Only 8 copies left of this value-added package! A single example is worth 1000 words. Audiences and parents are ready to change their ways when they see what actually goes on with feeding. This is the original 1989 FWLGS I video, divided into segments for dropping into your power points. You will learn from these vignettes, and so will your audiences. The haircuts are funny and the TVs have knobs, but the parent-child interactions are fresh, revealing, and not duplicated by the FLWGS II update! ·

Vignettes to drop into your power points · Scripts · Handouts · Technical instructions 

Train your workers! Six short power points on child development, growth, and feeding!

  1. The infant
  2. The older baby
  3. The almost-toddler
  4. The toddler
  5. The preschooler
  6. Interpreting growth

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